My Heart Would Like a Word With You.
Launching a book is like your hopes and dreams walking into a party, only to find a room full of scaries. Luckily for me, everyone had a blast.
Here’s how it all went down:
7am: Woke up, saw The Heirloomist on Oprah Daily, hyperventilated. READ THE FULL STORY HERE
10am: Went to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and found my book on their shelves— signed them all. Hyperventilated.
12pm: Talked heirlooms on the radio with WNYC. CLICK TO LISTEN
1pm: Found this Garden and Gun feature online and then one from Lit Hub and nearly lost my mind.
2pm: Went to Barnes and Noble Union Square in New York City and found my book on their shelves— signed them all.
3pm: By mid afternoon, my scheduled appearance on Good Morning America had to be rescheduled thanks to a river of never ending breaking news. (Supreme bummer. Stay tuned for the new date.)
4pm: We decided to drown disappointment with bourbon and a seafood tower. It worked.
All of these things will put April 30, 2024 in the history books as the Best.Day.Ever. But the part of the story I will truly cherish for the rest of my life is the part about how you all showed up for me.
You bought all the books.
You texted, called, posted, and shared.
My heart thanks you from it’s depths. Your support has been stunning— but not surprising! And thanks to all of you, 100 Treasures and the Stories They Tell has been sitting at #1 over at Amazon’s Photo Essay New Releases list for about a week.
It’s not too late to buy the book or two: CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
If you want a signed copy: CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE from the Bookworm Omaha or HERE to purchase from BookHampton in East Hampton, NY. (You can also visit the UWS, UES, and Union Square locations of Barnes & Noble in New York City.)
Or, we’ll send a signed bookplate to anyone who purchases a book this week from their local indie. Just email your receipt to
In the coming weeks, we’ll be returning to our regularly scheduled programming— plenty of stories and art make you laugh, cry, smile, feel feels, and fill your heart with connection and light. You know, just the usual.
Thanks again everyone for being the best entourage an Heirloomist could ever ask for. -Shana