Boomer Junk is a thing?
Yes. “Boomer junk” is real. Here at The Heirloomist, this term gets us pretty jazzed. IYKYK. But we also know a house full of old stuff can be overwhelming, especially when family, aging, and attachment is involved.
It’s a triggering topic but House Beautiful is going there. And holy attic full of boxes, Batman are we proud to be a part of this conversation.
The article covers the psychology around why we keep, why patience is needed when clearing it out, and how making art could make it a little better. (We’re biased but we agree!) CLICK HERE to read the full article.
Thank you Kate McGregor, Regina Lark, and House Beautiful editors for including us in this important read. If you need me, I’ll be searching for the person who coined the term “boomer junk” so I can shake their hand.
Any tips or strategies for navigating all the stuff time has deposited into your life?
Let’s hear it in the comments.